12 Days Of Chapstick Advent Calendar 2024: A Perfect Gift For Your Loved Ones

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The holiday season is right around the corner, and we all know what that means – it’s time to start thinking about gifts for our loved ones. If you’re looking for a unique and practical gift idea, the 12 Days of Chapstick Advent Calendar 2024 might just be the perfect choice.

What is the 12 Days of Chapstick Advent Calendar 2024?

The 12 Days of Chapstick Advent Calendar 2024 is a limited edition advent calendar that contains 12 different flavors of lip balm. Each day, you open a new door to reveal a surprise flavor, ranging from classic favorites to exciting new options.

What Makes the 12 Days of Chapstick Advent Calendar 2024 a Great Gift?

There are several reasons why the 12 Days of Chapstick Advent Calendar 2024 makes a great gift: – It’s practical: Everyone needs lip balm, especially during the winter months. – It’s unique: How many people do you know who have received a chapstick advent calendar as a gift? – It’s affordable: At around $20, it’s a budget-friendly gift option. – It’s fun: Opening a new door each day and trying out a new flavor is a fun and exciting way to count down to Christmas.

Why You Should Consider Buying the 12 Days of Chapstick Advent Calendar 2024

If you’re still not convinced that the 12 Days of Chapstick Advent Calendar 2024 is the perfect gift for your loved ones, here are some additional reasons why you should consider buying it:

It’s High-Quality

Chapstick is a well-known and trusted brand that has been around for over 100 years. The lip balms included in the advent calendar are all made with high-quality ingredients that will leave your lips feeling soft and moisturized.

It’s Convenient

The 12 Days of Chapstick Advent Calendar 2024 is a convenient gift option because it comes pre-packaged and ready to give. You don’t have to worry about wrapping it or adding a gift tag – simply hand it over to your loved one and watch their excitement as they open each door.

It’s Suitable for All Ages and Genders

Chapstick is a versatile product that can be used by people of all ages and genders. Whether you’re buying it for your grandmother or your teenage niece, they’re sure to appreciate the thought behind this unique gift.

How to Purchase the 12 Days of Chapstick Advent Calendar 2024

The 12 Days of Chapstick Advent Calendar 2024 will be available for purchase starting in November 2024. You can find it at most major retailers, including drugstores, supermarkets, and big-box stores. You can also purchase it online from retailers like Amazon.


Q: How much does the 12 Days of Chapstick Advent Calendar 2024 cost?

A: The price may vary depending on the retailer, but it typically costs around $20.

Q: Are the flavors in the advent calendar all new, or are they existing chapstick flavors?

A: The advent calendar contains a mixture of classic and new flavors, so there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Q: Is the advent calendar suitable for people with sensitive skin?

A: Yes, the chapstick formulas are gentle and suitable for people with sensitive skin. However, if you have any concerns, it’s always best to do a patch test before using a new product.


The 12 Days of Chapstick Advent Calendar 2024 is a unique and practical gift idea that is perfect for the holiday season. With 12 different flavors to try, your loved ones will enjoy opening a new door each day and discovering a new favorite. So why not give the gift of soft, moisturized lips this year?

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