2024 Deer Rut Calendar In Texas: Your Ultimate Guide

2022 Deer Rut Calendar November Calendar 2022
2022 Deer Rut Calendar November Calendar 2022 from novembercalendaroye.blogspot.com


As a hunter, knowing the deer rut calendar is crucial for a successful hunting season. The deer rut, also known as the breeding season, is the time when deer mate and reproduce. It is during this time that bucks are actively seeking out does, making them more vulnerable to hunters.

In this article, we will discuss the 2024 deer rut calendar in Texas. We will cover the best hunting dates and locations, as well as tips and tricks to help you have a successful hunting season.

When is the Deer Rut in Texas?

The deer rut in Texas typically occurs from late October to mid-January, with peak breeding activity usually taking place in November. However, the exact timing of the rut can vary depending on several factors, including weather conditions and the deer population in a particular area.

It’s important to note that the deer rut can vary from region to region, so it’s crucial to know the specific dates and locations of the rut in your area.

Question: How can I find out the specific dates and locations of the deer rut in my area?

Answer: You can find this information through various resources, including state wildlife agencies, hunting forums, and local hunting clubs. You can also use trail cameras and scouting techniques to determine the timing of the rut in your area.

Best Hunting Dates and Locations

Based on the 2024 deer rut calendar in Texas, the best hunting dates are typically during the peak breeding period, which is usually in November. During this time, bucks are more active and are more likely to respond to calls and rattling.

As for hunting locations, the best spots are usually near food sources and bedding areas. Deer tend to feed heavily during the rut, so it’s essential to locate their feeding areas. Also, bucks will often bed down near does, so it’s crucial to locate their bedding areas as well.

Question: What are some good food sources and bedding areas to look for during the deer rut?

Answer: Good food sources include acorns, soybeans, and cornfields. Bedding areas can be found in thick brush, tall grass, and wooded areas.

Tips and Tricks for a Successful Hunting Season

Now that you know the best hunting dates and locations during the deer rut in Texas, here are some tips and tricks to help you have a successful hunting season:

  1. Use scent control products to mask your scent.
  2. Set up your stand downwind from the deer’s anticipated travel route.
  3. Use deer calls and rattling to attract bucks.
  4. Be patient and stay still. Deer have excellent senses and can detect even the slightest movement.
  5. Practice your shooting skills before the season to ensure a clean and ethical shot.

Question: What should I do if I don’t have access to private land for hunting?

Answer: There are several public hunting areas in Texas that offer great hunting opportunities. You can also consider joining a hunting club or leasing land for hunting.


The 2024 deer rut calendar in Texas provides valuable information for hunters looking to have a successful hunting season. By knowing the best hunting dates and locations, as well as tips and tricks for hunting during the rut, you can increase your chances of harvesting a trophy buck.

Remember to always follow hunting regulations and practice ethical hunting practices. Good luck and happy hunting!

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