Beer Advent Calendar At Costco 2024: A Perfect Gift For Beer Lovers

Update Costco Beer Advent Calendar 2022 Back In Stores Now CostContessa
Update Costco Beer Advent Calendar 2022 Back In Stores Now CostContessa from

What is a Beer Advent Calendar?

A beer advent calendar is a festive box that contains 24 different beers, one for each day leading up to Christmas. These calendars are a great way to try new beers and get into the holiday spirit.

What Makes the Costco Beer Advent Calendar So Special?

The Costco beer advent calendar is special because it offers a wide variety of high-quality beers from different countries and regions. Each beer is carefully selected to provide a unique taste experience, and the calendar includes both well-known and lesser-known brands.

What Beers Can You Expect to Find in the Costco Beer Advent Calendar?

The Costco beer advent calendar includes beers from all over the world, including Belgium, Germany, the UK, and the USA. You can expect to find a mix of lagers, ales, stouts, IPAs, and other beer styles. Some of the beers are exclusive to Costco, so you won’t find them anywhere else.

How Much Does the Costco Beer Advent Calendar Cost?

The cost of the Costco beer advent calendar varies from year to year, but it is usually around $70-$80. This may seem like a lot of money, but when you consider that you are getting 24 high-quality beers, it is actually a great deal.

Who Would Enjoy the Costco Beer Advent Calendar?

The Costco beer advent calendar is perfect for anyone who loves beer and enjoys trying new things. It makes a great gift for friends, family members, or coworkers, and it is also a fun way to treat yourself during the holiday season.

How Should You Store the Beers in the Advent Calendar?

The beers in the advent calendar should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. It is best to keep them in the fridge until you are ready to drink them, as this will help to preserve their freshness and flavor.

What Should You Do if You Don’t Like a Beer in the Advent Calendar?

If you don’t like a beer in the advent calendar, don’t worry! Everyone’s taste in beer is different, and it is perfectly normal to not like every beer you try. You can always share the beer with a friend or family member who might enjoy it, or you can simply skip that day’s beer and try the next one.

Can You Buy the Costco Beer Advent Calendar Online?

Yes, you can buy the Costco beer advent calendar online, but it is important to order early as they tend to sell out quickly. You can also check with your local Costco store to see if they have any in stock.


The Costco beer advent calendar is a great way to celebrate the holiday season and try new beers from around the world. With 24 different beers to sample, you are sure to find some new favorites. So why not treat yourself or a loved one to a beer advent calendar this year?

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