Court Calendar San Luis Obispo 2024: Everything You Need To Know

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Are you looking for information about the court calendar for San Luis Obispo in 2024? Look no further! In this article, we’ll cover all the important details you need to know about upcoming court dates, how to access the calendar, and more.

What is the Court Calendar?

The court calendar is a schedule of all the upcoming court dates and hearings in San Luis Obispo. It includes information about the judge, courtroom, and time of the hearing. The calendar is updated regularly to reflect any changes or updates.

How to Access the Court Calendar

There are several ways to access the court calendar for San Luis Obispo. The easiest way is to visit the official website of the San Luis Obispo Superior Court. On the homepage, you’ll find a link to the court calendar. You can also call the court directly to inquire about upcoming dates or visit the courthouse in person.

Important Dates in 2024

If you have a court case in San Luis Obispo in 2024, you’ll want to mark these important dates on your calendar:

January 1st

The first day of the year is a holiday and the courthouse will be closed.

February 14th

Valentine’s Day falls on a Tuesday in 2024. The courthouse will be open for business as usual.

April 1st

April Fool’s Day is a Friday in 2024. The courthouse will be open for business as usual.

May 27th

Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday in May. The courthouse will be closed in observance of the holiday.

July 4th

Independence Day is a Monday in 2024. The courthouse will be closed in observance of the holiday.

September 2nd

Labor Day is observed on the first Monday in September. The courthouse will be closed in observance of the holiday.

November 28th

Thanksgiving Day is observed on the fourth Thursday in November. The courthouse will be closed in observance of the holiday.

December 25th

Christmas Day is a Tuesday in 2024. The courthouse will be closed in observance of the holiday.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often is the court calendar updated?

A: The court calendar is updated regularly, usually on a daily basis. However, it’s important to note that changes can occur at any time, so it’s always a good idea to check the calendar frequently if you have a pending court case.

Q: Can I access the court calendar online?

A: Yes, you can access the court calendar online through the official website of the San Luis Obispo Superior Court. Simply click on the link for the court calendar and you’ll be able to view all upcoming dates and hearings.

Q: What should I do if I can’t find my court date on the calendar?

A: If you can’t find your court date on the calendar, you should contact the court directly to inquire about the status of your case. It’s possible that there has been a change or update that hasn’t been reflected on the calendar yet.

Q: What happens if I miss my court date?

A: If you miss your court date, the judge may issue a bench warrant for your arrest. It’s important to make every effort to attend your scheduled court date and to notify the court immediately if you’re unable to do so.

Now that you have all the information you need about the court calendar for San Luis Obispo in 2024, you can rest assured that you’ll be prepared for any upcoming court dates or hearings. Remember to check the calendar frequently for updates or changes, and to contact the court directly if you have any questions or concerns.

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