Full Moon Zodiac Calendar 2024

Moon Calendars Moon calendar, Moon sign calendar, Astrology calendar
Moon Calendars Moon calendar, Moon sign calendar, Astrology calendar from www.pinterest.co.uk

Full Moon Zodiac Calendar 2024


The full moon has been a source of inspiration and mysticism throughout human history. In astrology, the full moon is believed to have a powerful impact on our emotions and behavior. As we approach the year 2024, let’s take a closer look at the full moon zodiac calendar for that year.

What is a Full Moon Zodiac Calendar?

A full moon zodiac calendar is a calendar that shows the dates and times of the full moons for each zodiac sign. It is based on the lunar cycle, which is approximately 29.5 days long. Each full moon has a different energy and is associated with a different zodiac sign.

Full Moon Dates for 2024

Here are the full moon dates for 2024, along with the zodiac sign that each full moon is associated with:

  • January 21 – Leo
  • February 19 – Virgo
  • March 20 – Libra
  • April 19 – Scorpio
  • May 18 – Sagittarius
  • June 17 – Capricorn
  • July 16 – Aquarius
  • August 15 – Pisces
  • September 13 – Aries
  • October 13 – Taurus
  • November 12 – Gemini
  • December 12 – Cancer

What Does Each Full Moon Mean?

Each full moon has a different energy and is associated with a different zodiac sign. Here is a brief overview of what each full moon means:

Leo (January 21)

The full moon in Leo is a time of creativity, self-expression, and confidence. It is a time to let your inner child out to play and to embrace your unique talents and abilities.

Virgo (February 19)

The full moon in Virgo is a time of organization, practicality, and attention to detail. It is a time to focus on your health, your work, and your daily routines.

Libra (March 20)

The full moon in Libra is a time of balance, harmony, and relationships. It is a time to focus on your partnerships, both personal and professional, and to cultivate a sense of peace and cooperation.

Scorpio (April 19)

The full moon in Scorpio is a time of intensity, transformation, and emotional release. It is a time to confront your fears, embrace your deepest desires, and let go of what no longer serves you.

Sagittarius (May 18)

The full moon in Sagittarius is a time of adventure, exploration, and expansion. It is a time to seek out new experiences, broaden your horizons, and embrace your sense of adventure.

Capricorn (June 17)

The full moon in Capricorn is a time of discipline, responsibility, and hard work. It is a time to focus on your goals, your career, and your long-term plans.

Aquarius (July 16)

The full moon in Aquarius is a time of innovation, freedom, and individuality. It is a time to embrace your unique perspective, connect with like-minded individuals, and think outside the box.

Pisces (August 15)

The full moon in Pisces is a time of intuition, spirituality, and compassion. It is a time to connect with your inner self, tap into your creativity, and practice empathy and kindness towards others.

Aries (September 13)

The full moon in Aries is a time of action, courage, and independence. It is a time to take bold steps towards your goals, embrace your inner warrior, and assert your independence.

Taurus (October 13)

The full moon in Taurus is a time of stability, sensuality, and material comfort. It is a time to focus on your finances, your possessions, and your physical well-being.

Gemini (November 12)

The full moon in Gemini is a time of communication, curiosity, and adaptability. It is a time to connect with others, learn new things, and embrace change.

Cancer (December 12)

The full moon in Cancer is a time of emotion, nurturing, and home. It is a time to focus on your family, your home, and your inner world.


The full moon zodiac calendar for 2024 offers us a glimpse into the cosmic energies that will be present throughout the year. By understanding the energy of each full moon, we can better navigate our lives and make the most of each lunar cycle. Whether you’re a believer in astrology or not, there’s no denying the power and beauty of the full moon.

Question and Answer

Q: Are the full moon dates and zodiac signs the same every year?

A: No, the full moon dates and zodiac signs change every year due to the lunar cycle.

Q: Do I need to be a believer in astrology to benefit from the full moon zodiac calendar?

A: No, you don’t need to be a believer in astrology to benefit from the full moon zodiac calendar. Even if you don’t believe in the spiritual aspects of astrology, the full moon can still have an impact on your emotions and behavior.

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