How To Make A Joint Google Calendar 2024

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Google Calendar is a great tool for keeping track of your schedule and important events. However, sharing your calendar with others can be a bit of a challenge. In this article, we will show you how to make a joint Google Calendar in 2024.

Step 1: Create a New Calendar

The first step is to create a new calendar that you can share with others. To do this, open Google Calendar and click on the “+” icon next to “My calendars” on the left-hand side. Select “Create new calendar” and give your calendar a name.

Step 2: Share Your Calendar

Next, you need to share your calendar with the people you want to have access to it. Click on the three dots next to your calendar’s name and select “Settings and sharing”. Under “Access permissions”, click on “Add people” and enter the email addresses of the people you want to share your calendar with. You can choose whether they can view or edit the calendar.

Step 3: Accept the Invitation

The people you invited to your calendar will receive an email invitation. They need to accept the invitation to see the calendar. Once they accept, they will be able to view or edit the calendar depending on the access level you gave them.

Step 4: Add Events to the Calendar

Now that your calendar is shared, you can start adding events to it. Click on the date and time you want to create an event for, and fill in the details. Make sure to select the calendar you just created as the calendar for the event.

Step 5: View the Calendar

Your shared calendar will now appear under “Other calendars” on the left-hand side of Google Calendar. You can click on it to view the events you and your team have added. You can also choose to view the calendar in different formats, such as day, week, or month view.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I share my personal Google Calendar?

A: Yes, you can share any calendar you have created in Google Calendar, including your personal calendar.

Q: How many people can I share my calendar with?

A: You can share your calendar with as many people as you want, but keep in mind that the more people you share it with, the more difficult it may be to manage.

Q: Can I revoke someone’s access to my calendar?

A: Yes, you can remove someone’s access to your calendar at any time. Simply go to “Settings and sharing” and click on the trash can icon next to the person’s name.

Q: Can I share a calendar with someone who doesn’t have a Google account?

A: No, you can only share a calendar with someone who has a Google account.


Making a joint Google Calendar is a great way to collaborate with others and keep everyone on the same page. By following these simple steps, you can create a shared calendar that will help you and your team stay organized in 2024 and beyond.

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