How To Remove Islamic Holidays From Iphone Calendar 2024

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How to Remove Islamic Holidays from iPhone Calendar 2024

The Issue:

If you have an iPhone and do not celebrate Islamic holidays, you might want to remove them from your calendar. By default, the iPhone calendar includes all major holidays, including Islamic ones, which might not be relevant or important for some users. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to remove Islamic holidays from iPhone calendar 2024.

The Solution:

Step 1: Open Calendar App

The first step is to open the Calendar app on your iPhone. You can find it on your home screen or by using the search function.

Step 2: Tap Calendars

Once you are in the Calendar app, tap on the “Calendars” button at the bottom center of the screen.

Step 3: Uncheck Islamic Calendar

Scroll down the list of calendars until you find the “Islamic” calendar. Uncheck the box next to it to remove it from your calendar. You can also uncheck any other calendar that you do not need.

Step 4: Save Changes

Once you have unchecked the calendar(s) that you want to remove, tap on the “Done” button at the top right corner of the screen to save your changes.

Question and Answer:

Q: Will I lose any data by removing the Islamic calendar?

A: No, you will not lose any data by removing the Islamic calendar. You will only remove the events and holidays related to that calendar.

Q: Can I add the Islamic calendar back if I change my mind?

A: Yes, you can add the Islamic calendar back to your iPhone calendar at any time. Simply follow the same steps and check the box next to the calendar that you want to add.

Q: Will this process work for other calendars?

A: Yes, you can use the same process to remove or add any other calendar that you have subscribed to on your iPhone.


Removing the Islamic calendar from your iPhone calendar can help you declutter your calendar and only display the events and holidays that are relevant to you. By following these simple steps, you can easily remove any calendar that you do not need and customize your iPhone calendar to your liking.

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