How To Set Up A Google Calendar For A Group In 2024

Google Calendar, Keep, and Tasks A Full Organizational System
Google Calendar, Keep, and Tasks A Full Organizational System from

Are you tired of trying to coordinate schedules with your group members through endless group chats and emails? Setting up a Google Calendar for your group can make scheduling a breeze. Here’s how to do it:

Create a New Calendar

The first step is to create a new calendar specifically for your group. To do this, open Google Calendar and click on the (+) button next to “Add a friend’s calendar.” Select “New calendar” and fill in the details, such as the name of your group and the calendar’s color. Make sure to set the calendar as public so that everyone in your group can access it.

Add Members to the Calendar

Once you’ve created the calendar, you’ll need to add members to it. Click on the three dots next to the calendar name and select “Settings and sharing.” Under “Share with specific people,” add the email addresses of your group members and set their permissions to “Make changes and manage sharing.” This will allow everyone in the group to add events and make changes to the calendar.

Create Events

Now that your group calendar is set up and everyone has access to it, you can start adding events. Click on the date and time for the event, give it a title, and add any relevant details such as location and notes. You can also set reminders for the event so that everyone in the group receives a notification beforehand.

Answering Common Questions

Can members see each other’s schedules?

Yes, members of the group can see each other’s schedules. This can be helpful for avoiding scheduling conflicts and seeing when others are available.

Can members edit or delete events?

If you’ve set their permissions to “Make changes and manage sharing,” then yes, members can edit or delete events. However, you can also choose to limit their permissions to “See all event details” or “Make changes to events” if you’d like to have more control over who can make changes to the calendar.

Can members add their own events?

Yes, members can add their own events to the group calendar. This can be useful for scheduling personal appointments or meetings with other members outside of the group’s regular events.

Tips for Using Your Group Calendar

Here are a few tips for using your group calendar effectively:

  • Set recurring events for regular group meetings or events.
  • Use different colors for different types of events or for different members.
  • Encourage everyone in the group to add their own events to the calendar.
  • Send reminders and updates through the calendar to keep everyone informed.


Setting up a Google Calendar for your group can save time and eliminate the hassle of coordinating schedules. By following these steps and using these tips, you can ensure that everyone in your group stays on the same page and never misses an important event.

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