Sex Advent Calendar For Couples 2024: A Guide To Spicing Up Your Relationship

13 Sexual Advent Calendars for 2022 Couples Sex Advent Calendars
13 Sexual Advent Calendars for 2022 Couples Sex Advent Calendars from


Are you looking for a fun and exciting way to add some spice to your relationship in 2024? Look no further than the sex advent calendar for couples. This unique calendar is designed to help you and your partner explore new and exciting sexual experiences throughout the month of December. In this article, we’ll explore what a sex advent calendar is, what it contains, and how you can use it to bring some excitement to your love life.

What is a Sex Advent Calendar?

A sex advent calendar is a calendar that contains 24 different sexual activities or experiences for couples to try during the month of December. Each day, you and your partner open a new door on the calendar to reveal a new activity or experience. These activities can range from simple things like kissing and cuddling to more adventurous activities like role-playing and bondage.

What Does a Sex Advent Calendar Contain?

The contents of a sex advent calendar can vary, but typically they will contain a variety of different sexual activities or experiences. Some calendars may contain toys or props, while others may focus more on activities and experiences. Some examples of activities you might find in a sex advent calendar include:

  • Massage or sensual touch
  • Oral sex
  • Role-playing
  • Bondage
  • Sex toys
  • Exploring new positions

How to Use a Sex Advent Calendar

Using a sex advent calendar is simple. Each day, you and your partner open a new door on the calendar to reveal a new activity or experience. Take the time to read the instructions or prompts that come with each activity, and then decide if you want to try it out. If you’re both comfortable with the activity, go for it! If not, feel free to skip that day’s activity and move on to the next one.

Benefits of Using a Sex Advent Calendar

There are many benefits to using a sex advent calendar with your partner. Some of these include:

  • Exploring new sexual experiences together
  • Building intimacy and trust in your relationship
  • Bringing some excitement and fun to your love life
  • Trying new things in a safe and consensual way

Question and Answer

Q: Is a sex advent calendar only for couples who are into kink or BDSM?

A: No, a sex advent calendar can be tailored to your individual interests and comfort level. If you’re not into more adventurous activities like bondage or role-playing, you can still find plenty of activities in a sex advent calendar that are more vanilla.

Q: Do I need to buy a pre-made sex advent calendar, or can I make my own?

A: You can definitely make your own sex advent calendar if you prefer. Simply come up with 24 different sexual activities or experiences that you and your partner would like to try, and then package them up in small envelopes or boxes. Alternatively, you can find pre-made sex advent calendars online or in adult stores.

Q: What if I’m not comfortable with one of the activities in the calendar?

A: It’s important to remember that you should never feel pressured to do anything you’re not comfortable with. If you or your partner are not comfortable with a particular activity, feel free to skip it and move on to the next one. Communication is key in any sexual relationship, so make sure you’re both on the same page and comfortable with the activities you’re trying.


If you’re looking for a fun and exciting way to add some spice to your relationship in 2024, a sex advent calendar may be just what you need. Whether you buy a pre-made calendar or make your own, the key is to have fun and explore new experiences together. Remember to communicate with your partner and never feel pressured to do anything you’re not comfortable with. Happy adventuring!

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